Dauntless by Ilyan Kei Lavanway for Madison Woods Friday Fictioneers 100-Word Flash Fiction

Path in the forest photo prompt for Madison Woods Friday Fictioneers 100-word flash fiction challenge June 15 2012, This image of a path in a forest is the photo prompt for the June 15, 2012 Madison Woods Friday Fictioneers 100-word flash fiction challenge at http://madisonwoods.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/photo-prompt-for-100-word-flash-fridayfictioneers-34

“Foliage. Finally. That means water,” muttered Royan, wiping his tears. “Helium valve. That’s the way down,” he surmised, hitting the control that vented helium from the airship.

The gondola smacked the treetops. Royan egressed. Tree limbs slowed his fall. The dirt pathway knocked the wind out if him.

Vomiting fits overtook him. Broken branches oozed black, putrefied blood.

The distant roar of falls beckoned him. Faint, parched, and heaving uncontrollably, Royan staggered down the path. Dark, coppery mist wafted from the direction of the sound. Royan’s blood ran cold. Undrinkable. He knew it, smelled it. But, he wouldn’t give up.

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About Ilyan Kei Lavanway

Ilyan Kei Lavanway is an independent Christian author and publisher. He served as a full-time missionary in Argentina for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He writes fiction and non-fiction that will stretch your mind mind and resonate with your soul, expounding timeless principles of truth. Much of his writing contains concepts that are unfamiliar to many readers. Lavanway aims to impart eternal perspectives to his readers by inviting and inspiring all readers to explore the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. If readers come away with only neutral opinions after reading his work, Lavanway says he has not done his job. If readers come away without questions they have never before asked, Lavanway again says he is not doing his job.
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8 Responses to Dauntless by Ilyan Kei Lavanway for Madison Woods Friday Fictioneers 100-Word Flash Fiction

  1. yaralwrites says:

    what a scary place and I liked the branches oozing blood and I wonder if the waterfall is death as well, nicely done.
    Here is mine http://yaralwrites.com/

  2. A beautiful descriptive take on the prompt. Mine is here and linked too: http://readinpleasure.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/fridayfictioneers-sacrilege/

  3. Hey, nice to have you here…I look forward to your writings…

    The Experience–#FridayFictioneers

  4. Kwadwo says:

    A graphic picture well-painted.

    Here’s mine: http://logo-ligi.com/2012/06/15/six-oclock/

  5. JKBradley says:

    What unfamiliar land is this? I’m interested…tell me more.


  6. Pingback: Pretending is an Art | Two Voices, One Song

  7. rochellewisoff says:

    I felt his pain. Disturbing and vivid imagery. Thanks for commenting on mine.

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